Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP)2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Dr. Arman Harahap, M.Siarmanhrahap82@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) e- ISSN : 2808-845X</strong> is a communication media and scientific publication in the health and pharmaceutical fields published by <em><strong>Inara Publisher</strong></em>.</p> <p><strong>International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP)</strong> contains articles from research focusing on basic medicine, clinical medicine, epidemiology, preventive medicine (social medicine), pharmacy, and other medical fields.</p> <p><strong>International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP)</strong> is published periodically four times a year <strong>(February, May and </strong><strong>August and November</strong><strong>)</strong>.</p> Business Intelligence In The Data Science Visualization Process To Forecast CPO Prices2023-04-10T01:01:51+00:00Albara<p><em>Forecasting is one of the techniques in data mining by utilizing the data available in the data warehouse. With the development of science, forecasting techniques have also entered the computational field where the forecasting technique uses the artificial neural network (ANN) method. Where is the method for simple forecasting using the Time Series method. However, the ability to create data visualizations certainly hinders researchers from maximizing research results. Of course, with the development of the Power BI software, the data science process is more neatly presented in the form of visualization, where the data science process involves various fields so that in this paper the results of forecasting the price of crude palm oil (CPO) are presented for the development of the CPO business with the hope of implementing the Business Process. intelligence (BI) by involving ANN, namely the time series for forecasting. From the final results, accuracy in forecasting with time series involves 2 accuracy techniques, the first using MAPE and getting a result of 0.03214% and the second using MSE to get 962.91 results</em><em>.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Albara Albara, Al-Khowarizmi Al-Khowarizmi, Riyan Pradesyah of Visual Analog Score Changes in Metastatic Urogenital Cancer Patients Undergoing Sympathectomy2024-10-05T01:40:42+00:00Dicky Ch<p><em>This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of sympathectomy in reducing pain in patients with metastatic urogenital cancer. A single-blind randomized clinical trial involving five patients who underwent neurolytic ganglion impar block using a transcoccygeal approach, followed by radiofrequency ablation (RFA), was conducted. Five patients with metastatic urogenital cancer, averaging 58.4 ± 16.9 years old, showed a significant reduction in pain after sympathectomy. The average Visual Analog Scale (VAS) reduction was 2 points on the first day, 4 points on the third day, and 5 points on the fifth day. This pain reduction was accompanied by a decrease in the patients' dependence on opioid medication. Sympathectomy and radiofrequency ablation have proven effective in reducing pain in patients with metastatic urogenital cancer. These findings support the use of sympathectomy as part of comprehensive pain management in metastatic cancer patients, improving quality of life and reducing opioid usage. This approach offers a promising alternative for managing chronic pain in this patient population, particularly when oral therapy is insufficient.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dicky Panduwinata, Maximillian Ch Oley, Eko Prasetyo Effectiveness of Physical Exercise in Stroke Patient Recovery: A Systematic Review2024-11-22T15:11:32+00:00Denny Christian Lukasdennylukas91@gmail.comWilliem Harveydennylukas91@gmail.comMeilisa Sri<p><em>Background: Stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide, significantly affecting motor function, mobility, and patients’ quality of life. Physical exercise is often recommended as part of rehabilitation programs to enhance recovery after a stroke. Objective: This study aims to systematically review the literature on the effectiveness of physical exercise in accelerating post-stroke recovery, particularly in improving motor function, mobility, and independence. Methods: A systematic search was conducted across electronic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect using keywords like "stroke rehabilitation," "physical exercise," "motor recovery," and "systematic review." Inclusion criteria covered articles published in the last 10 years, in English or Indonesian, involving post-stroke patients undergoing physical exercise programs. The articles were analyzed to evaluate the type of exercise, frequency, duration, and clinical outcomes. Results: Fifteen articles met the inclusion criteria. Aerobic exercise, strength training, and task-oriented therapy were found effective in improving motor function and mobility in stroke patients. Exercise programs performed intensively for a minimum of 4 weeks showed significant results compared to conventional therapy. Positive effects were also observed in patients’ quality of life. Conclusion: Physical exercise has been proven effective in facilitating stroke recovery, especially when individually tailored and performed regularly. This study recommends implementing standardized physical exercise-based rehabilitation programs to support post-stroke recovery. </em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Denny Christian Lukas, Williem Harvey, Meilisa Sri Suzana Turbidity Reduction in Tofu Industry Wastewater Using Alum Coagulant2024-11-11T03:21:56+00:00Findia Wulan Djarifindiadjari57@gmail.comRezania<p><em>The liquid waste generated by the tofu industry is a significant environmental pollutant, particularly contributing to turbidity in rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. One effective method to address this issue is the treatment of wastewater using alum coagulant. This study aimed to assess the turbidity levels of tofu industry wastewater before and after the application of alum coagulant, as well as to determine the optimal dose or concentration of the coagulant. Conducted in January 2024 at the Public Health Laboratory of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, this research employed a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design. The data analysis utilized quantitative methods, specifically the ANOVA test, to evaluate the effectiveness of the alum coagulant. The findings revealed that turbidity levels in the tofu industry wastewater decreased following the coagulation process: a concentration of 2 ml resulted in a 22.93% reduction, 4 ml led to a 26.24% decrease, 6 ml achieved a 29.08% reduction, and 8 ml produced a 36.41% decrease. Therefore, the optimal concentration of alum coagulant for effectively reducing turbidity in tofu industry wastewater is determined to be 8 ml, as it demonstrated the highest effectiveness in lowering turbidity levels.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Findia Wulan Djari, Rezania Asyfiradayati Relationship Between Smoking And The Formation Of Lung Cavity Lesions In Tuberculosis Patients At H Adam Malik General Hospital2023-07-28T02:25:43+00:00Joseph Partogi<p><em>The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether smoking has any connection to the development of lung cavity lesions in tuberculosis patients at H Adam Malik General Hospital. This study is an observational, analytical, case-control investigation. In this investigation, 80 samples total 40 individuals who smoked and 40 non-smokers were used. How to choose a sample using the purposive sampling method. Information was gleaned from the medical files of H Adam Malik General Hospital's tuberculosis patients in 2021. The Chi Square test was used to examine the research data. According to the study's findings, 62.5% of the research sample's participants were men and 37.5% were women. The majority 28.7% are in the 46 to 55-year-old age range. According to the Brinkman Index, up to 28.8% of the sample's participants were heavy smokers. Lung cavity lesions are present in 46.25 percent of patients, as may be shown. Up to 30% of patients who smoke have lung cavity lesions. According to the analysis's findings, smoking was associated with the development of lung cavity lesions in tuberculosis patients at Adam Malik General Hospital with a value of p = 0.014 (p 0.05), and those patients who smoked had a risk of developing lung cavity lesions that was 3.115 times higher (OR = 3.115). This study's findings suggest that smokers with tuberculosis are three times more likely to develop lung cavity lesions.</em></p>2024-11-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Joseph Partogi Sibarani Of Stress Levels In Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Undergoing The Intensive Phase Of Treatment In Hospital And Puskesmas2023-07-28T02:27:08+00:00Joseph Partogi<p><em>The purpose of this study is to characterize the amount of stress experienced by tuberculosis patients receiving intensive phase therapy in hospitals and healthcare facilities. This study has a cross sectional design and is a descriptive observational study. 100 samples of tuberculosis patients who were receiving intense phase treatment were used in this investigation. With the consecutive sampling technique, how to choose the sample. Direct interviews with the research sample were used to gather data. Utilizing univariate analysis, research data were examined. According to the study's findings, 75% of the research sample's participants were men and 25% were women. The majority 26% are between the ages of 56 and 65. Up to 42% of people are receiving treatment for 6 to 8 weeks. The majority of pulmonary tuberculosis patients (33%) were found to have moderate levels of stress. Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who were male, aged 36 to 45, and receiving treatment for the disease for six to eight weeks were found to have the most mild levels of stress. The study's findings indicate that the most mild levels of stress are felt by tuberculosis patients who are undergoing the intensive phase of therapy.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Joseph Partogi Sibarani Of Ramadhan Fasting On Apolipoprotein B And Small Dense Ldl In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients2023-07-28T02:28:45+00:00Joseph Partogi<p><em>This study's objective was to ascertain how type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients' apolipoprotein B and small dense LDL were affected by Ramadan fasting. On 19 patients who had been diagnosed with type 2 DM at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan, a longitudinal prospective study from the fasting month of Ramadan until the end of the 2015 Ramadan fast was employed as the research methodology. The information was gathered by obtaining blood samples at the start and end of the Ramadan fast, after which the levels of apolipoprotein B and small dense LDL were determined. The T-Test and Wilcoxon tests were then used to assess the data. According to the study's findings, 13 respondents (68.4%) of the 19 patients with type 2 diabetes were men, and their average age was 57.26 years. Apoliprotein B (p=0.0001), small dense LDL (p=0.022), 2-hour PPG DGD (p=0.039), and mean body weight (p0.001) all indicated statistically significant changes. According to the study's findings, type 2 DM patients' apolipoprotein B and small dense LDL are significantly affected by Ramadan fasting.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Joseph Partogi Sibarani To Increase The Competence Of Practical Supervisors In The Learning Process Of Midwifery Students2024-02-27T12:53:23+00:00Lilik Susilowatijessycasembiring14@gmail.comHaura Karlinawahyu_wismanto@edcorpindo.comAulia Hervi Anggrainiwahyu_wismanto@edcorpindo.comWahyu Wismanto<p><em>Higher education has the function of developing the ability in order to educate the life of the nation in accordance with the vision, mission and goals of Higher Education. In producing competent and competitive graduates, every university must adjust to the national standards of education that have been set. The scope of the national standard of education, the standard of educators and Educational Personnel states that, educators must have academic qualifications and competencies as learning agents, be physically and spiritually healthy, and have the ability to realize the goals of National Education. As vocational education, in the core curriculum of Diploma III Midwifery Education, the percentage of practical learning experience is set at 60 %. Competent practice mentors will contribute to producing midwifery graduates who can be used to become midwifery professionals. In order to improve the competence of the practice supervisor, one of them is the development of skills through education and training. This study aims to describe the management of education and training as improving the competence of practice supervisors in the College of Health Sciences. Improvement of the competence of the practice supervisor through the practice supervisor learning training is carried out through several stages, namely 1) analysis of the needs of the practice supervisor Learning Training, 2) design and planning of the practice supervisor Learning Training, 3) curriculum development of the practice supervisor learning training, 4) implementation of the practice supervisor learning training, 5) evaluation of the practice supervisor learning training, 6) obstacles and carrying capacity of the practice supervisor learning training. To achieve this goal, the research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a case study method on STIKes Abdi Nusantara and STIKes BPI. Data were collected using in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The data of this study were checked for correctness, reliability through triangulation process. The results showed that the process of implementation of the teaching and learning practice supervisor in the College studied went well. Education and training provided to the practice supervisor contributes positively to the competence of the practice supervisor.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lilik Susilowati, Haura Karlina, Aulia Hervi Anggraini, Wahyu Wismanto Hadi Of Nurse Performance Using The Balance Scorecard Method At South Nias Hospital2023-03-25T15:30:34+00:00O'ozisokhi Irza Haicha Pratamairzahp12@gmail.comErmi<p>Performance measurement is needed to assess the accountability of <br />an organization in producing better and right on target services <br />and performance. The Balanced Score Card was created to <br />overcome a problem in the organization regarding weaknesses in <br />an executive performance measurement system. The purpose of this <br />study was to analyze the performance of nurses using the balanced <br />scorecard method at South Nias Hospital. This type of research is <br />descriptive analytic with a quantitative approach with a crosssectional design. The sampling technique in this study was <br />Arikunto's formula, based on this formula, the number of samples in <br />this study became 31 people. The results of the study explain that <br />there is a relationship between financial, consumer, innovative and <br />perspective with the performance of nurses in South Nias Hospital. <br />This research can be used as basic information and data for <br />improving the quality of services at South Nias Hospital.</p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 O'ozisokhi Telaumbanua, Irza Haicha Pratama, Ermi Girsang Effectiveness of Mung Beans and Katuk Leaves on Increasing Hemoglobin Levels in Maternity at TPMB Rennie Yuwitasari in 20222023-02-08T16:49:20+00:00Rennie Yuwitasarirennie.syah@gmail.comNursitiyaroh Nursitiyarohrennie.syah@gmail.comBudi<p><em>Background : An iron-rich protein called hemoglobin has an affinity for oxygen, which causes it to produce oxyhemoglobin in red blood cells. O2 (oxygen) will be transported from the lungs to the body's tissues as a result of this function. Purpose of Writing: to determine the Effectiveness of Mung Beans and Katuk Leaves on Increased Hemoglobin Levels in Mothers Giving Birth at TPMB Rennie Yuwitasari Year 2022”. Research Method : This research is an experiment designed One – group pre test – post test design. A sample of 15 people with a quantitative approach. The study population was 20 postpartum mothers who attended TPMB Rennie Yuwitasari. The sampling method used consisted of a total sample of 20 people who were divided into two groups, namely 10 groups receiving green beans and 10 groups receiving katuk leaves. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. Research results: It is known that the Hb assessment before giving katuk leaves obtained an average value of 10.300 and a standard deviation of 0.7832 with a minimum Hb rating of 8.8 and a maximum of 11.4 while after giving katuk leaves , the mean value was 11.230, with a standard deviation of 0.5877, and the Hb value ranged from 9.8 to 12.0. We got Asimp. The Sig (2-Sided) value is 0.169, and because 0.169 > 0.05 the hypothesis is not proven. This means that there is no difference in giving katuk leaves or green beans to increase hemoglobin levels. So that it can be concluded that bivariate data analysis, namely green beans and katuk leaves have the same effectiveness value in increasing Hb levels in postpartum mothers at TPMB Rennie Yuwitasari. Conclusions and Suggestions: The findings of this study are expected to increase postpartum mothers' understanding of increasing Hb levels by consuming green beans and katuk leaves which have been proven to increase Hb levels.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Rennie Yuwitasari, Nursitiyaroh Nursitiyaroh, Budi Ermanto Of Giving Virgin Coconut Oil And Physical Exercise On Leukocyte Levels In Non-Athlete Students2023-03-26T05:51:30+00:00Rika Nailuvar Fajar Apollo<p>In recent years there has been an increase in the prevalence of viral infections worldwide with the outbreak of <br>the Coronavirus Disease. Various attempts have been made to find new drugs and vaccines against the viruses <br>that cause it, but there are no effective preventive and curative drugs yet, so boosting the immune system is one <br>of the most important things to do. One of the natural ingredients that are believed to increase the body's <br>immunity is Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), but it still needs more intense research. In addition to the use of natural <br>ingredients, exercise is also important to maintain and increase immunity. One indicator that is sensitive to <br>impaired immune response is leukocytes. This study aims to see the effect of giving VCO and physical exercise <br>on immune function by measuring leukocyte levels. This is an experimental study with a randomized control <br>group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study were 12 people who were divided into two groups. <br>During the exercise with an intensity of 70-80% in two weeks with a frequency of three times a week, the <br>experimental group was given 15 ml of VCO every day while the control group was given a placebo. Leukocyte <br>levels were measured before and after treatment. Leukocyte levels in the control group increased significantly <br>while the experimental group decreased insignificantly. Giving virgin coconut oil in this study significantly <br>reduced leukocyte levels.</p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Rika Nailuvar Sinaga, Fajar Apollo Sinaga, Ayu Elvana Head Nurses' Leadership Styles to Staff Inpatient Nurses' Job Performance Royal Prima Hospital2023-02-04T15:33:31+00:00Ryeo Ramadhan Chairunmarlinangsilalahi@yahoo.comMarlinang Isabela Silalahimarlinangsilalahi@yahoo.comSri Lestari<p><em>lack of research in knowing the relationship between nurse leadership styles and nurse performance. Data collection by interviews, questionnaires and observations on inpatient nurses at Rotal Prima Hospital Medan. This study tries to examine the influence of the Job Performance Nurse dimension which is influenced by the dimensions of the Transactional Leadership Style and the Transformational Leadership Style of Head Nurses. This research is associative, with a quantitative method approach, using a descriptive correlational research design. The research was validated using SPSS-26 with data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the Transactional Leadership Style and Transformational Leadership Style had a positive and significant effect on Nurse Job Performance. The results of this study, we found that nurse leaders must have a good transformational leadership style so that leaders can help and encourage their subordinates in providing training and achieving their work goals properly. Nurse leaders are more likely to adopt a transformational leadership style. The results of this study also show that transactional leadership can affect nurse performance, although it is even better if the head nurse performs transformational leadership.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ryeo Ramadhan Chairun, Marlinang Isabela Silalahi, Sri Lestari Nasution Effectiveness Of Pregnant Exercise In Squat Position With Perineal Rupture In Maternity Mothers At TPMB Siti Salmah In 20222023-02-08T16:58:33+00:00Siti Salmahkhansarafani82@gmail.comNursitiyaroh Nursitiyarohkhansarafani82@gmail.comBudi<p><em>Background : In the majority of first-time births, perineal tears last for some time. Unexpected tension that occurs in the head or body of the hatchlings causes tears in the skin and perineal tissue Writing Purpose: to determine the Effectiveness of Pregnant Squat Exercise with Perineal Rupture in Maternity Mothers at TPMB Siti Salmah Year 2022 Research Methods: this type of quantitative research uses an experimental design (quasi-experimental) ) with the Nonrandomized Control Group Pretest Posttest Design. The total population of this study was 30 mothers giving birth at TPMB Sti Salmah divided into 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups. Research Results: The results of the independent sample test obtained Asymp. Sig (2 – Sided) has a value of 0.001, because 0.001 <0.05, the hypothesis is accepted. This means that there is a difference between doing pregnancy exercise in the squat position and not doing pregnancy exercise in the squat position on the incidence of perineal rupture in pregnant women so that it can be concluded that there is effectiveness of pregnancy exercise in the squat position with perineal rupture in maternity mothers at TPMB Siti Salmah in 2022 Conclusions and Suggestions: Expected results this research allows midwives to do pregnancy exercises in a squatting position. This research will also serve as a guide for its implementation, making it easier for patients, especially pregnant women, to prepare for delivery to prevent perineal rupture.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Salmah, Nursitiyaroh Nursitiyaroh, Budi Ermanto And Pilates Therapy On Sitting And Standing Balance In Children With Cerebral Palsy2023-08-03T03:19:28+00:00Suharto Suhartosuhartoft11@gmail.comSri Saadiyah Lsuhartoft11@gmail.comHasnia Ahmadsuhartoft11@gmail.comTiar<p>Cerebral Palsy is the most common neurological disorder in children that affects <br />movement and posture due to damage to the brain which controls motor skills, <br />causing balance problems when sitting and standing. This balance is affected by <br />the strength of the erector spine and abdominal muscles that straighten and <br />control the trunk. If low trunk muscle tone causes problems with balance and <br />mobility so that the child has difficulty sitting, playing in a sitting position, <br />functional hand movements such as eating and activities of daily living. This <br />research is an experiment with a pre test – post one group design which aims to <br />analyze the effectiveness of bobath and pilates therapy on sitting and standing <br />balance in children with cerebral palsy. A total of 17 children with cerebral palsy <br />were given bobath and pilates therapy for 16 weeks, with a dose of: 1 time/day, 3 <br />times a week with a treatment time of 45 minutes for each child. The research <br />subjects were children with cerebral palsy with the following criteria: 1-year old, <br />unbalanced sitting and standing. It will be carried out from February to June <br />2023. Sitting balance is measured with a sitting level scale and standing balance <br />with a pediatric balance scale. The research subjects consisted of 13 men <br />(76.47%) and 4 women (23.53%) with the GMFCS categories being III and IV. <br />The average age of research subjects: 36.5758 ± 15.02504. The results of <br />statistical tests with Wilcoxon obtained a value of p = 0.001 at the sitting level of <br />the scale and p = 0.002 on the pediatric balance scale. Conclusion: Bobath and <br />pilates therapy are effective in increasing the value of the sitting level of the scale <br />and the pediatric balance scale in children with cerebral palsy.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Suharto Suharto, Sri Saadiyah L, Hasnia Ahmad, Tiar Erawan Of The Effect Of The Process Of Issuing Health Personnel Licenses Using The Sipandu Medan Application On Health Worker Satisfaction In Dpmptsp Medan City2023-02-08T16:55:17+00:00Syarifah Nurunnisasrilestarirnst@gmail.comErmi Girsangsrilestarirnst@gmail.comSri Lestari Ramadhani<p>In the era of global reform and information, public services by government officials <br>today still have many weaknesses so that they have not been able to meet the quality <br>expected by the community. This is indicated by the existence of various public <br>complaints submitted through the mass media and social networks as well as the <br>results of a community satisfaction survey which stated that the permit issuance <br>process took a long time, the information conveyed was not clear and not transparent.<br>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the process of issuing health <br>worker permits using the Medan Sipandu Application on Community Satisfaction in <br>Dpmptsp Medan City. This type of research is Quantitative Analytical research, <br>namely the method in the form of numeric data using a cross sectional approach, with <br>a sample of 200 people. The results of this study are that the variable that has the most <br>influence on the satisfaction of health workers regarding the use of the Sipandu Medan <br>Application is complaint handling. statistical test resultsearned valuep significance is <br>0.000 <0.05. So it can be concluded that there is an effect of handling complaints on <br>the satisfaction of health workers regarding the use of the Sipandu Medan <br>Application.SIPANDU is here to make it easier for the public to submit related <br>complaints.</p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syarifah Nurunnisa, Ermi Girsang, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence In Sintang District2023-03-23T16:36:04+00:00Uray B. Asnolabilrudistg@gmail.comRika Yuanita Pratamaabilrudistg@gmail.comAbil Rudiabilrudistg@gmail.comYolanda Montessoriabilrudistg@gmail.comRizki Amartaniabilrudistg@gmail.comWagiran<p>Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is still endemic in society. The research sites <br>were in the villages of Tanjung Ria, Tanjung Hulu and Sungai Raya, Sepauk District, Sintang <br>District, with a total of 78 cases of tuberculosis, consisting of old cases and new cases.The purpose <br>of this study was to determine the factors causing the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the <br>community. This type of research is quantitative with a case control approach method retrospective. <br>The sample in the study for the case group used the total sampling technique and the accidental <br>sampling control group. Analysis using chi square significance level of 0.05. The results showed <br>that there was a relationship between house ventilation and the incidence of pulmonary <br>tuberculosis (OR=4.521), there was a relationship between the humidity of the house and the <br>incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis (OR=4.343), there was a relationship between the floor of the <br>house and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis (OR=4.000), there was a relationship between <br>lighting and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis (OR=4.169), there is a relationship between <br>house occupancy density and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis (OR=4.640), there is a <br>relationship between work and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) (OR=3.571), there is <br>a relationship between income and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) ( OR=9,277). <br>Recommended for Communities in Tanjung Ria, Tanjung Hulu and Sungai Raya Villages, Sepauk <br>District, Sintang District need to maintain compliance with housing sanitation standards and <br>increase their economic level so that they become examples for communities in other villages.</p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Uray B. Asnol, Rika Yuanita Pratama, Abil Rudi, Yolanda Montessori, Rizki Amartani, Wagiran Wagiran Influence Of Counseling With Abpk And Wheel Klop On Participation In Post Party Kb In The Muncak Health Center Oku Kabau East South Sumatra2024-02-07T01:54:48+00:00Umita Sofyanaumitasofyana@gmail.comRahmadyanti<p><em>Background: Counseling with dual role health workers (ABPK) and the application of the clutch wheel method can have a significant positive impact on participation in postnatal family planning (KB) programs. Purpose of writing: to determine the effect of ABPK and Rodak Lop counseling on postpartum family planning participation at the Muncak Kabau Oku East Community Health Center, South Sumatra in 2023 Research Method: The method in this research is experimental with a Pretest Posttest type of research without a control group. Statistical test data processing uses a paired sample t test if the normality test is normally distributed, if it is not normally distributed using the Wilcoxon test carried out univariately and bivariately with the help of the SPSS 25.0 computer program. Research Results The research results are known as Asymp. Sig (2 – Talled) has a value of 0.000 because 0.000 < 0.05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted. This means that there is an influence of counseling with ABPK and Roda Klop on postpartum family planning participation at the Muncak Kabau Oku East Community Health Center, South Sumatra in 2023 Conclusions and Suggestions: Health workers, especially midwives, can use ABPK and the klop wheel as a means of providing counseling so that it can make it easier for family planning acceptors to make contraceptive choices.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Umita Sofyana, Rahmadyanti Rahmadyanti Relationship Of Vegetable And Fruit Consumption With Nutritional Status Of Children School-Age (6-10 Years Old) At Ebf 28 De Agosto, Ebf 01 De Maio Palaban, Ebf St.Antonio Oe-Cusse, Ebf Nossa Senhora De Fatima Padiae Municipiu Regiao Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno Timor Leste Year 20242023-11-02T01:06:56+00:00Maria Goreti Owagoretimaria742@gmail.comRahaju Ningtyasgoretimaria742@gmail.comJeni Palulungoretimaria742@gmail.comJoao Paulo Okigoretimaria742@gmail.comJoao Bosco Dacostagoretimaria742@gmail.comChristina Trisnawati<p>This study aims to analyse the relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption and<br />nutritional status among school-age children in Regiao Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse<br />Ambeno Timor Leste, and to identify factors associated with children's nutritional status.<br />This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. Data were collected<br />through a questionnaire that measured the frequency of vegetable and fruit consumption,<br />and measurement of nutritional status using anthropometric indicators. The study<br />population was school-age children in Regiao Administrativa Especial Oe-Cusse Ambeno<br />Timor Leste with the sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Fruit<br />consumption patterns showed that 45.4% (79 respondents) of children rarely consumed<br />fruit (<3 times per week). Most children were malnourished, with 69.5% (121<br />respondents) experiencing wasting. Another factor was preference for vegetables and<br />fruits. These two factors showed a strong and significant association (r = 0.728 for<br />vegetables, r = 0.725 for fruits, p = 0.000), indicating that children who had a high<br />preference for vegetables and fruits were more likely to have better nutritional status.<br />Child age was also found to have a significant but weak association (r = 0.278, p = 0.000)<br />with nutritional status, suggesting that although influential, child age is not the main<br />factor in determining nutritional status. Preference for vegetables and fruits had a<br />significant relationship with children's nutritional status. Age also has an effect, although<br />it is weaker. No significant relationship was found between nutritional status and parental<br />education, meal timing, and media exposure. The implication is that there is a need to<br />increase vegetable and fruit consumption through nutrition education programmes in<br />schools and communities, and the development of healthy eating habits.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Tiar Erawan, Rahmat Nugraha, Suharto Suharto, Virny Dwia Lestari