Analysis Of The Effect Of Job Demand Control-Support And Protection Motivation Towards Obedience With Filling In Medical Records At Batubara Hospital In 2021


  • Bayu Ramazata Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry and Health Sciences University Prima Indonesia Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Ermi Girsang Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry and Health Sciences University Prima Indonesia Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Yolanda Eliza Putri Lubis Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry and Health Sciences University Prima Indonesia Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia



Job Demand Control-Support, Protection Motivation, Willingness, and Obedience


A medical record is part of the archive that describes all activities by an agency within a certain
period. Hospitals must have medical records as a service standard in the health sector that is useful for
improving quality in providing optimal service to patients. The problem that often arises in filling out
medical records is that in the process of filling it is incomplete, and the doctor's writing is less specific
about the diagnosis. This situation has an impact on internal and external hospitals because the results
of data processing are the basis for making hospital internal reports and hospital external reports. This
study aims to analyze the effect of job demand control-support and protection motivation on Obedience
with filling in inpatient medical record files at Batubara Hospital in 2021. This type of research is
analytical quantitative research. The sample size in this study was 105 people. Data analysis used
Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate. The results showed Job Demand Control-Support inpatient
nurses at Batubara Hospital in 2021 were good as many as 94 respondents and 11 respondents were
not good, Protection Motivation at Batubara Hospital in 2021 was good as many as 95 and 10 were
not good, Obedience in filling out files inpatient medical records at the Batubara Hospital in 2021,
which complied with as many as 94 respondents and 11 respondents who did not obey, Job Demand
Control-Support affects Obedience with filling out medical record files for hospitalization at Batubara
Hospital in 2021, Protection Motivation affects Obedience in filling out files Medical records for
hospitalization at Batubara Hospital in 2021. The variable that has the most influence on Obedience
with filling in inpatient medical record files at Batubara Hospital in 2021 is the Protection Motivation


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How to Cite

Ramazata, B. ., Girsang, E. ., & Eliza Putri Lubis, Y. . (2022). Analysis Of The Effect Of Job Demand Control-Support And Protection Motivation Towards Obedience With Filling In Medical Records At Batubara Hospital In 2021. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP), 2(3), 531–539.




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