Strengthening The Academic Atmosphere In Higher Health Education With Character And Social Responsibility
Character education, Campus atmosphere, STIKES BPI.Abstract
Education is a systematic process to improve human dignity holistically, which allows the three most elementary
dimensions of humanity above to develop optimally. Thus, education should be a strategic vehicle for efforts to develop
all the potential of individuals, so that the ideals of building Indonesian people as a whole can be achieved. The
development of national education in the future is based on the paradigm of building Indonesian people as a whole, which
functions as subjects who have the capacity to actualize the potential and dimensions of humanity the
portion of curricular activities with extra-curricular activities in Campus that are getting closer to balance. The existence
of student organizations in Campus will be able to involve students in the development and self-actualization, as well as
improve student competitiveness. culture and empowerment of students that take place must be able to give an example,
build willpower, and develop student creativity in the learning process, through developing a cultural scheme of reading,
writing, and arithmetic for all citizens, as Community Empowerment. The problem of the nation's strength lies in the
capacity and capability of the generation, the purpose of higher education related to character building is basically to
encourage the birth of good people. Students who have a positive character will have an attractive personality, ethical,
unpretentious, honest, intelligent, caring, and tough. The campus atmosphere will be able to grow and develop good
character will encourage students to grow with the capacity and commitment to do the best things and do everything with
purpose. Students with good character will do their best as an offering to God Almighty, by optimizing their potential and
accompanied by full awareness.
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