Impact Of Technology And Information After A Period Of Pademi For Education And Health In Indonesia
Technology has also influenced various sectors, an example of technological development is the
emergence of application software that makes it easier for companies.But not only that, one type
of form of technology that is growing rapidly in the era of pademi is information and
Communication Technology in the field of Education. With the existence of social media, the
younger generation takes advantage of this to take part and influence the community by
showing their intelligence to set an example to the community through social media. One of the
things that need to be considered in creating a competitive advantage for culinary, fashion,
music, tourism industry players in the pademi era is Database Building and Management,
namely the application of a platform that includes WhatsApp Business and email lists as a data
container for potential repeat purchases by consumers. Since the pandemic conditions,
consumers prefer to buy food, clothing, household items dal other delivery rather than come on
the spot. Adaptation for behavior towards the new normal by developing strategies such as
social distancing, health consider, cashless, less contact must also be implemented by existing
businesses. In the context of business, technology can provide changes so as to create a new
point of view in business known as digital marketing or internet marketing that utilizes the
internet as a market medium. Conventional businesses are more concerned with purchases
made by consumers. However, with a circular business model, how consumers can obtain goods
and services is more important. Conventional business success focuses more on the material
benefits gained from the sale of goods or services. They are result oriented. However, circular
businesses are more concerned with how they can create a balance between environmental,
social, and profit aspects.
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