The Effect Of Implementation Of Patient Identification Based On The Pall Accreditation Standards On Improving The Patient Safety Program At Royal Prima General Hospital In 2022
Patient safety is a variable to measure and evaluate the quality of nursing
services that have an impact on health services. One of the safety services in
hospitals starts from the accuracy of patient identification. Patient
identification errors at the beginning of the service will continue to the next
service error. The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect of
implementing patient identification based on JCI accreditation standards on
improving the Patient Safety program at Royal Prima Hospital. This type of
research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Sampling
technique The sampling technique in this study was to use the Slovin
formula with a total sample of 124 patients. Data analysis in this study used
univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of the study explained that
there was an influence between the implementation of patient identification
based on the Plenary accreditation standard to the improvement of the
Patient Safety program at the Royal Prima Hospital Medan with ap value of
<0.007. Through this research, it is hoped that the Royal Prima Hospital
Medan can improve the quality of nursing services, especially in the
implementation of identification based on the Plenary Accreditation
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