Evaluation Of Integrated Antenatal Care Implementation With Cipp Model In The Work Area
10t evaluation, model CIPP, ANC services standardsAbstract
Antenatal care is health services which is given by professional health workers to
increase the health status of pregnant women and their fetus that doing according to
the standard of antenatal care which can detect earlier the deviation and the risk which
might be occured in pregnancy in order that could be overcomed fast and
appropriately. Puskesmas Bagan Batu is not appropriate with standard of antenatal
care lack of the knowledge and obedience of midwives, instruments and infrastructure.
The purpose of the research was to evaluate the implementation of integrated antenatal
care by CIPP model in the work area of Puskesmas Bagan Batu. The research used
qualitative method, by in-depth interviews, conducting observation, and document
study with 8 informan that consisted of Head of Puskesmas, doctor of program holder
KIA, coordinator midwive, 3 midwives in poli KIA, 3rd trimester pregnant women with
complete inspection in Puskesmas Bagan Batu, and 3rd trimester pregnant woman with
incomplete inspection in Puskesmas Bagan Batu. The result of the research showed
that only 2 of the midwives got antenatal care training, instrument and infrastructure
can improve more better, midwives had not knowledge and obedience to use the new
standard of antenatal care services optimally. So, the process which include the
implementation of antenatal care was not according by the standard. The coverage of
antenatal care has decreased in the last three years. While coverage of tablet Fe has
increased significantly, and the coverage of tetanus toxoid imunization has not
increased at all and very far below the standard. It was recommended that public
regional of Puskesmas Bagan Batu increase some aspects of input iclude of personal
quality, midwives obedience, instrument and infrastructure. And then the aspect of
process for the implementation of antenatal care according to the standard to achieve
the best result for the quality of antenatal care.
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