The Effect Of Intervention In The Form Of Short Message Service On Revisit Compliance Rate In Patients With Chronic Disease In Internal Disease Policy Of Binjai Hospital In 2022
Intervention, Short Message Service, Patient visit compliance.Abstract
In today's growing medical environment, the efficiency of health services and patient satisfaction are
often considered as important indicators of the quality of health services. However, the absence of
patients according to the specified schedule is a common problem. Short Message Service (SMS) as a
reminder and motivation is able to influence changes in patient behavior. The formulation of the problem
in this study is how the effect of providing intervention in the form of SMS on the rate of follow-up visits in
chronic patients in the internal medicine clinic of Binjai Latersia Hospital. The research design used was
Quasi-Experimental with One-Group Pre-Post Test Design. The population in this study were all patients
with chronic diseases in outpatient installations who underwent control at the internal medicine clinic of
the hospital as many as 42 people for 3 months, with a total sample of 126 people. The results of the study
show 5. There is an effect of providing intervention in the form of Short Message Service on increasing
the number of repeat visits in doing a treatment.
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