Characteristics Of Family Support With Anxiety Levels For Palliative Cervical Cancer Patients At dr.Chasan Boesoerie Ternate City
Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of cells body tissue that is in the body changes into cancer cells. The
purpose of this study was to study the characteristics of family support and anxiety levels of palliative cervical
cancer patients at dr. Chasan Boesoerie, Ternate City. This type of research is an analytical observational study
with a cross-sectional cross-sectional technique, to describe and assess several characteristics of family support
with anxiety levels of palliative cervical cancer patients. The population in this study were all mothers who examined
cervical cancer at dr. Chasan Boesoirie 2021, 47 mothers. The sampling technique was carried out with the total
sample. That is equal to 47 mothers with cervical cancer. Results: The results of the study show that the age of
mothers who are not at risk is 66.0%, while the frequency of respondents with civil servant jobs is 40.4%, compared
to the work of IRT/Not Working mothers of 10.6%, compared to good knowledge of 61, 7% compared to the
knowledge of the mother less by 38.3%, and good family support by 55.3% compared to the less family support by
44.7%, while the greater source of information is in the newspapers by 66.0% compared to social media, namely by
34.0%. Conclusion: There needs to be cooperation from health workers, for example from hospitals, always
providing information about cervical cancer, always checking regularly with obstetricians to avoid things that can
trigger disease growth and can prevent cancer triggers.
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