Drug Management On Availability Of Drugs In Pharmaceutical Installations Pabatu General Hospital Pt Pmn Using Fifo & Fefo Methods
Management, Management, Availability.Abstract
Drug management on drug availability at the Pharmacy Installation of Pabatu General Hospital PT PMN
Serdang Bedagai is still not good. Drug management includes drug selection, drug planning, and procurement as
well as drug storage and distribution. This study aims to determine the management of drug availability at the
Pharmacy Installation of Pabatu General Hospital PT PMN Serdang Bedagai. This type of research is a
descriptive approach with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques. The population in this study were
all staff or employees at the pharmaceutical installation of Pabatu General Hospital PT PMN Serdang Bedagai
and a sample of 9 people. The collection of data with primary and secondary data and the data were analyzed by
data reduction, data display (data display), and drawing conclusions or levers. The results showed that the drug
management at the Pharmacy Installation of Pabatu RSU PT PMN was effective and efficient which included
input, process, and output. It is suggested that every human resource in the pharmaceutical installation of Pabatu
General Hospital PT PMN should be given the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills regarding drug
management in the installation, so that in the future drug management can be better and the pharmacy
installation plays a role in staff development and educational programs such as developing new staff orientation
programs, education, and training based on the need for competency development of human resources and head
of evaluation to conduct independent research or contribute to research on the development of pharmaceutical
service practices in hospitals.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Fitri Aidani Ulfa Harahap, Ratih Nur Indah Siregar, Widya Yanti Sihotang, Ali Napiah Nasution

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