Implementation Analysis Of Clinical Pathway At Royal Prima Hospital
Regulation, Compliance, Supporting Factors, Inhibiting Factors and Clinical Pathway Implementation.Abstract
Clinical pathways are an important part of documents and tools in realizing good clinical
governance in hospitals. In Indonesia, this document is also one of the requirements that must be
met in the KARS version of the Hospital Accreditation Standard. However, the process of
implementing this Clinical Pathway itself also has various problems. Things that might hinder
the implementation of this clinical pathway could come from the staff and hospital members
themselves because they have not adapted to this Clinical Pathway. This study aims to analyze
the implementation of the Clinical Pathway at the Royal Prima Hospital in Medan. This study
uses a quantitative design with a cross sectional approach. The research sample was all doctors,
nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists at the Royal Prima Hospital Medan who filled the Clinical
Pathway as many as 83 people. The results of the Fisher's Exact test showed that there was a
significant effect between regulation (p=0.000), compliance (p=0.004), supporting factors
(p=0.025), and inhibiting factors (p=0.002). By using the t-test at a significance level of 0.05,
the results obtained that regulation is the variable that has the main influence on the
implementation of the Clinical Pathway at Royal Prima Hospital Medan (Sig.0.001). Suggestions
to hospitals are expected to strengthen policies regarding the implementation of Clinical
Pathway to improve health services in hospitals. Caregivers are expected to maintain
compliance with the implementation of the Clinical Pathway to improve health services in
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