Effectiveness Of Classical Music Therapy And The Use Of Lavender Aromatherapy On Anxiety During Childbirth In Maternity
Anxiety during childbirth, Combination of classical music therapy and the use of lavender aromatherapy.Abstract
Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort or excessive fear of a person. Anxiety during childbirth is an
inconvenience for the mother giving birth so that there is a fear of her birth. Anxiety can be overcome
with non-pharmacological therapies such as classical music and lavender armmatherapy. To determine
the effectiveness of classical music therapy and the use of lavender aromatherapy on anxiety during
childbirth in women giving birth at Belinda Clinic. This study was conducted in a quasi-experimental one
group pre-test and post-test design with a quantitative approach. The sample of this research is the total
population of 30 mothers giving birth at Belinda Clinic by accidental sampling. when the research was
conducted September, October, November, and December 2019. The results of univariate analysis are
the majority of anxiety levels before being given treatment, namely moderate anxiety levels totaling 16
people (53.33%) and after treatment, the majority of mild anxiety levels are 18 people (60%). The results
of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a difference before and after the level of anxiety during
childbirth using classical music therapy and the use of lavender aromatherapy with a p-value of 0.000
Conclusions and Suggestions: the health sector, especially midwives, to reduce anxiety levels in
maternity mothers by using classical music therapy and the use of lavender aromatherapy
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