The Effectiveness Of Acupressur And Rebozzo Techniques In Preparation For Delivery In Mandiri Midwife Practices, Gowa Regency
Uterine contractions play a very important role in the smooth delivery
process. However, some mothers experience problems in uterine contractions
which will result in the length of the labor process. So in some cases need
induction assistance. Advances in medical science in terms of acupressure
and rebozzo have become several solutions for certain treatments without
involving chemistry in it. This study aims to be applied directly to mothers in
labor in this case to help reduce contraction pain during the labor process.
This study used the independent t-test of Mann Whitney which was previously
tested for normality. The test results showed that acupressure and rebozzo
were effective in reducing labor pain in mothers who were facing labor at the
Independent Midwife Practices in Gowa district, as seen from the results of
the independent t-test, which was obtained p-value = 0.000 (0.05). This study
is useful for mothers to reduce labor pain by means of acupressure and
rebozzo therapy.
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