Effectiveness Of Sidaguri Extract (Sida Rhombifolia) On Postpartum Perineum Wound Healing
Extract, Sida Rhombifolia and postpartum.Abstract
Perineal trauma which is a common complication that occurs after childbirth is in 55%-85%
of vaginal births. Infection in the postpartum period if not treated properly will be a
complication of 1% - 4%. So it is very important in providing care for perineal tears in
postpartum mothers, the purpose of this study was to see the Effectiveness of Sidaguri Extract
(Sida Rhombifolia) Against Perineal Wound Healing in Postpartum. The research method
used a True Experimental design with a Control Group. This research was carried out at the
UPTD Puskesmas Watampone Kab. Bone. The sample of this study was postpartum mothers
who came to visit and received postpartum services from June 29 - August 29, sampling using
an accidental sampling technique obtained 24 samples, and data analysis using the MannWhitney U test. The results of the application of Sida Rhombifolia extract on postpartum
maternal perineal wounds showed a significant p-value (0.00) which means that Sida
Rhombifolia extract was able to accelerate the healing of perineal tears. So Sida Rhombifolia
extract can be an alternative in providing care, prevention, and accelerating the healing of
perineal tears in postpartum mothers.
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