Analysis Of The Influence Of Leader Behavior And Public Health Center Management Processes On Immunization Program Performance At Kuala Bali Public Health Center, Serdang Bedagai


  • Syafrina Rachmi Yuana Magister Student of Magister Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Ermi Girsang Magister Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Liani Ginting Magister Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia



There are still deficiencies in the achievement of UCI (Universal Child Immunization) in villages/wards.
This is due, among other things, to the lack of attention and support from various parties towards the
immunization program. This study aims to analyze the influence of leader behavior and management of the
health center on the performance of the immunization program at the Kuala Bali Health Center Serdang
Bedagai. This type of research is a quantitative researchwith a cross sectional design. The location of this
research was conductedinKuala Bali Health Center, Serdang Bedagai. The research population is all121
midwives in 17 sub-districts of the Kuala Bali Serdang Bedagai Health Center, and 1 person in charge of
immunization services so that it consists of 122 people.The sample in the study amounted to 122 patients.
Survey data were analyzed using the chi-square test and logistic regression. The results showed that there
was an effect of decision making on performance, there was an effect of leadership style on performance,
there was an effect of delegation of tasks on performance, there was an influence on how to communicate on
performance, there was an influence on planning on performance, there was an effect on organizing on the
performance of the immunization program, there was an influence on implementation on the performance of
the immunization program, there is an influence of supervision on the performance of the immunization
program at the Kuala Bali Serdang Bedagai Health Center. The variable that has the most influence on the
performance of the immunization program at the Kuala Bali Serdang Bedagai Health Center is the
organizing variable.The results of this study suggest thatThe results of this research are used as input for
evaluating the implementation of the immunization program, in order to provide guidance to the leaders of
the Public Health Center to improve their abilities in leader behavior and management processes, especially
in organizing so that the performance of the midwives becomes even better.


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How to Cite

Rachmi Yuana, S., Girsang, E. ., & Ginting, . L. . (2023). Analysis Of The Influence Of Leader Behavior And Public Health Center Management Processes On Immunization Program Performance At Kuala Bali Public Health Center, Serdang Bedagai. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP), 3(4), 594–601.

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