Evaluation Of Waste Management Of Covid-19 Health Service Facilities In Public Health Center X West Jakarta
Health Facilities Waste Management Evaluation Covid-19 in Public Health Center X Central
Jakarta. Health facility waste management is one of the essential things in handling the pandemic
(Covid-19). Public Health Center X Central Jakarta is one of the health service facilities
designated by the Health Service as a place for early detection of Covid-19 symptoms. This
research is qualitative research with a descriptive case study design. This research was conducted
in April 2022. The key informants in this study were sanitarians, nurses, and Covid-19 tracers.
Health facility waste management at Public Health Center X Central Jakarta includes sorting,
transportation, weighing, temporary storage, and handing over waste to third parties. Health
facility waste management during a pandemic is similar to before. The number of patients visiting
during the pandemic has decreased, but the waste generated has increased from the tracer waste
of Covid-19 patients. Health facilities' waste in Covid-19 services includes needle waste, PPE
waste such as masks, hazmat, gloves, alcohol swabs, and used rapid equipment. Covid-19 health
facility waste increased in July and September, 642 Kg and 849 Kg. This differs from the increase
in new Covid-19 cases, namely 56,757 cases, but less waste is generated. Public Health Center X
Central Jakarta has collaborated with third parties in waste treatment with government permits to
manage health facility waste.
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