Relationship between Education, Parity Status and Mother's Knowledge of Booster Immunization with Complete Basic Immunization of Children in the Work Area of the Tanjungsiang Health Center Subang Regency in 2023
Education, Parity Status and Knowledge and Complete Basic Immunization of Children.Abstract
Complete basic immunization plays a role in suppressing the spread of disease so
that it is beneficial for immunity. In reducing the incidence of disease, complete
basic immunization is needed to reduce disease in society as a whole.Purpose of
Writing: for Education Relations, Parity Status and Mother's Knowledge About
Booster Immunization With Children's Complete Basic Immunization. Research
Methods: the sample was taken by all mothers who had toddlers aged 24-59
months. data collection using secondary and primary data. primary and secondary
data collection. research design cross sectional quantitative approach. Research
Results : In the results of the study, the majority of mothers with high school
education (SMA) were 32 people (55.2%), parity status of primipara mothers were
29 people (50.0%), good knowledge of 26 people (44.8%) . There is a relationship
between parity and knowledge of complete basic immunization with an asym sig 2
tailed value of 0.05 for parity status and 0.000 for knowledge. There was no
relationship between education and complete basic immunization, which resulted in
an asym sig 2 tailed value of 0.887. Conclusions and Suggestions: In providing
education to mothers having babies 0-59 months, midwives can collaborate with
other health teams, in providing health education about immunization.
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