Differences In The Effectiveness Of Date Juice And Beet Juice In Increasing Hemoglobin Levels In Anemia Pregnant Women In The Work Area Of The Tirtamulya Health Center In 2023
Dates Juice, Beetroot Juice and Hemoglobin Levels.Abstract
Background: beets and dates can increase hemoglobin for those who have anemia. The
nutritional composition of dates is that they are rich in natural sugars, fiber, potassium,
magnesium and B vitamins, iron, calcium and phosphorus in fairly high amounts, while beets
also contain nitrates, compounds that can help improve blood flow and performance. brain so
that it can be known to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. Purpose of writing: to find out
the difference in the effectiveness of giving date juice and beet juice in increasing hemoglobin
levels in anemic pregnant women in the working area of the Tirtamulya Health Center in 2023.
Research method: Pre-experimental study with type one group pre test – post test design by
means of relationships cause and effect by involving a group of subjects. the subject group was
observed before the intervention was carried out and then observed after the intervention was
carried out. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling with a purposive method. The
study was divided into 2 variables, namely the independent variable, namely the consumption
of date juice and beetroot juice. Results: Assessment before and after administration of date
palm juice obtained a value of Sig 0.000, sig value <0.05 which can be concluded that there is
effectiveness of giving date juice in increasing Hb levels in anemic pregnant women. While the
assessment before and after giving beetroot juice obtained a Sig value of 0.000, a sig value
<0.05 which can be concluded that there is effectiveness of giving beetroot juice in increasing
Hb levels in anemic pregnant women. Conclusions and Suggestions: The results of this study
are expected to provide information that giving date palm juice and beetroot juice is a type of
natural food that can increase Hb levels.
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