The Effect of Breathing Relaxation Techniques and Body Exercise on the Physical and Mental Readiness of Third Trimester Pregnant Women at PMB S


  • siti Asriyah Abdi Nusantara College of Health Sciences, Indonesia
  • Wiwin Widyastuti Abdi Nusantara College of Health Sciences, Indonesia



Breathing relaxation, exercise, physical and mental readiness of pregnant women.


Background: Pregnant women really need a fresh and fit body so they can carry out routines, practicing breathing relaxation techniques and body exercises (yoga) at this time are one of the self-help solutions that support the process of pregnancy, birth and child rearing. Purpose of Writing: to determine the effect of breathing relaxation techniques and body exercises on the physical and mental readiness of pregnant women in the third trimester Research Methods: This type of research uses a quasy experimental design with a one group pre-test post-test design, the sample in this study is 36 people in PMB S, Wilcoxon statistical analysis test.

Research: There is an effect of breathing relaxation techniques and body exercise on the physical and mental readiness of third trimester pregnant women at PMB S with a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. Conclusions and Suggestions: This research is expected to increase knowledge about breathing relaxation techniques and body exercises as an effort to prepare pregnant women physically and mentally for childbirth.


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How to Cite

Asriyah, siti, & Widyastuti, W. . (2024). The Effect of Breathing Relaxation Techniques and Body Exercise on the Physical and Mental Readiness of Third Trimester Pregnant Women at PMB S. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP), 4(2), 300–304.


