The Influence Of Classical Music Therapy To Decrease Blood Pressure Of Patients With Hypertension In The Elderly
Hypertension is often referred to as the “silent killer”, because often attack the
elderly (elderly) without feeling something and unwittingly patients experience
complications. One way to control blood pressure in hypertensive patients, namely
the use of therapeutic interventions nonpharmacological. Reduce hypertension
therapeutic uses nonpharmacological, one of classical music therapy. The purpose
of Research To know the influence of classical music therapy to decrease blood
pressure of patients with hypertension in the elderly. Research methods: Literature
review, the database used is Google Scholar. The search is performed in the month
(August-September 2021) which can be accessed full text in pdf format and scholary.
The results of the identification on the third article found various categories of
hypertension before the intervention, namely on the first journal the majority of
hypertension in the category of mild hypertension by as much as 23 respondents
(76,6%). In the journal of the second majority of high blood pressure as much as 19
respondents (of 63.3%). On the journal third majority of hypertension in the
category of hypertension II degree as much as 9 respondents (53%). Based on the
three articles that the author found there are differences in the categorization of
hypertension. Not explained in detail about the categorization is along with blood
pressure values in the article that have been identified so that the author can not be
mensimilarkan or leveler category of hypertension. Of the three articles that have
been identified there is a decrease in blood pressure after therapy is given to
classical music with a duration of 15-30 minutes and found different variations of
hypertension in the third article. Based on the results of the analysis of the article
consists of 3 article there is the influence of classical music therapy to decrease
blood pressure of patients with hypertension in the elderly.
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