Analysis Of Iron (Fe) And Zinc Content (Zn) From Bay Leaves (Syzygium Polyanthum)
Background: Anemia is a nutritional problem in children, pregnant women, teenagers,
and women of childbearing age. The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia in 2018
among young women was 48.9%. Bay leaves are widely known in various culinary and
traditional medicine in Indonesia. Objective: This study analyzes the iron (Fe) and
zinc (Zn) content in bay leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) growing in Karanganyar,
Indonesia. Method: This research is an observational descriptive experiment with a
laboratory approach carried out through a series of experiments. An Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) is used to analyze iron levels. Results: This
research shows that the average concentration of Fe in bay leaves growing in
Karanganyar is 294.28 mg/L per 100 grams of bay leaves. Meanwhile, the average
concentration of Zn in bay leaves is 15.19 mg/L per 100 grams of bay leaves.
According to TKPI 2017, bay leaves contain around 44.1 mg of iron per 100 g. Apart
from that, the results of research conducted by Suharni 2021 show that 100 g of bay
leaf extract contains around 30.09 mg of iron. Comparison with other plants shows
that bay leaves contain much more iron and zinc. Higher than plants such as Moringa
leaves. As an example of another plant that is often consumed, Moringa leaves have a
lower iron and zinc content, namely 6 mg Fe/100 grams of Moringa leaves and
0.6mg/100 grams of zinc. In addition, this research opens up opportunities for
application to experimental animals such as mice, which can be given bay leaf powder
to understand its impact on iron and zinc levels in their bodies. Conclusion: The
average test concentration of Fe in bay leaves is 294.28 mg/L. Meanwhile, the average
concentration of Zn in bay leaves is 15.19 mg/L.
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