Analysis of Patient Satisfaction on the Quality of Physiotherapy Services in the Pandemic Era at the SHC


  • Rifaidwianto Ngguna Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Indonesia
  • Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Indonesia
  • Gisely Vionalita Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Indonesia
  • Rini Handayani Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Indonesia



Five dimensions of quality, level of patient satisfaction, patient satisfaction, quality of physiotherapy services.


The present study about Satisfaction is the perception of a product or service that has met
expectations. The customer satisfaction is the result of the accumulation of consumers or customers
in using products or services. The quality of health services is the degree to which the needs of the
community or individuals are meet for healthcare in accordance with good professional standards
with the use of resources fairly, efficiently, effectively within the limited capacity of the government
and the community, and is carried out safely and satisfies customers in accordance with accepted
good norms and ethics. Based on observations made by distributing customer feedback
questionnaires at the Sasana Husada Clinic (SHC), Jakarta Indonesia patient satisfaction in
outpatient physiotherapy services from January to March 2021. Result for patient satisfaction
obtained 76%, of which there were about 24% who were dissatisfied with the physiotherapy services
provided at the SHC Jakarta Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of patient
satisfaction with the quality of physiotherapy services in the covid-19 pandemic era at the SHC. The
study used a descriptive observational method with a cross sectional research design. The sample in
this study was 62 people with sampling technique using simple random sampling. This research was
conducted by filling out a questionnaire by the patient. Data analysis was performed by univariate
test analysis. The results of the study indicate that patient satisfaction inside pandemic and based on the
quality dimension of reliability 79.61%, patient satisfaction based on the assurance dimension
80.06%, patient satisfaction based on the tangibility quality dimension 81.67%, patient satisfaction
based on the empathy quality dimension 78.12%, satisfaction patients based on responsiveness
77.80% and general patient satisfaction 78.06%.


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How to Cite

Ngguna, R. ., Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi, Gisely Vionalita, & Handayani, R. . (2022). Analysis of Patient Satisfaction on the Quality of Physiotherapy Services in the Pandemic Era at the SHC. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP), 2(3), 418–424.


