Health Belief Model Effect on Nurses Hand Hygiene Adherence


  • Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Prima Indonesia University; Jl. Sampul, Sei Putih Barat, Medan Petisah, Medan, Indonesia
  • Tan Suyono Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Prima Indonesia University; Jl. Sampul, Sei Putih Barat, Medan Petisah, Medan, Indonesia.
  • Adrian Khu Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Prima Indonesia University; Jl. Sampul, Sei Putih Barat, Medan Petisah, Medan, Indonesia.
  • Hans Pangestu Simarmata Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Prima Indonesia University; Jl. Sampul, Sei Putih Barat, Medan Petisah, Medan, Indonesia.
  • Happy Happy Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Prima Indonesia University; Jl. Sampul, Sei Putih Barat, Medan Petisah, Medan, Indonesia.



Health Belief Model, Healthcare Acquired Infection, Nurses, Hand Hygiene.


Healthcare acquired infections/HAIs (nosocomial infection) is a growing problem in developing and developed
country around the world and one of the contributing factors in the increasing of morbidity, mortality and cost of
treatment in hospital. One way to prevent HAIs is by increasing adherence of hand hygiene practice in healthcare
workers, including nurses, especially in rooms with high risk of HAIs incidents. This study aims to understand the
effect of health belief model (HBM) on the adherence of hand hygiene practice of nurses in rooms with high HAIs risk.
A total number of 170 nurses who worked in high HAIs risk enrolled in this study. All nurses then asked to fill
questionnaire which consist of demographic factors, experience, personal beliefs, cue to action, and self-efficacy.
During this study, all nurses hand hygiene practice also observed directly by researcher. This study found that
demographic factor, personal belief, cue to action and self-efficacy have no significant relationship with hand hygiene
practice adherence (p>0.05), whilst modifying factor like experience shown to have significant relationship with
adherence of hand hygiene practice (p<0.05). Demographic factor, personal belief, cue to action, and self-efficacy
component of HBM can’t predict the adherence of hand hygiene practice. However, modifying factor in HBM such as
experience can predict the adherence of hand hygiene practice.


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How to Cite

Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, S., Suyono, T. ., Khu, A. ., Pangestu Simarmata, H. ., & Happy, H. (2022). Health Belief Model Effect on Nurses Hand Hygiene Adherence . International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP), 3(2), 225–231.




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