Drug Management On Availability Of Drugs In Pharmaceutical Installations Pabatu General Hospital Pt Pmn Using Fifo & Fefo Methods
Insurance Drug Procurement Management, BPJS Medicine.Abstract
The procurement of drugs is an important early stage in determining the success of the next stage because the
planning stage is useful for adjusting the procurement needs with available funds to support health services in
hospitals. The purpose of the study was to analyze the Management of Procurement of Insurance Medicines and
Medicines for BPJS Health in the Pharmacy Unit of Bakti Timah Hospital, Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung
Islands Province in 2022. The research design used a qualitative descriptive method with a phenomenological
approach, namely collecting, compiling, and analyzing so that a social phenomenon/fact can provide information.
solving the problems encountered. This research was conducted at the Pharmacy Unit of Bakti Timah Hospital,
Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung Islands Province in April-May 2022. The sampling technique in this study used
the Total Sampling technique, the number of samples was 5 pharmacists. The results of the research on the drug
planning process at the Bakti Timah Pinang Hospital Pharmacy Installation, the drug budgeting process at the
Bakti Timah Pinang Hospital Pharmacy Installation, the drug procurement process at the Bakti Timah Pinang
Hospital Pharmacy Installation, the drug storage process at the Bakti Timah Pinang Hospital Pharmacy
Installation, The process of storing drugs at the Pharmacy Installation of the Bakti Timah Pinang Hospital.
Suggestions for hospital management to find out what strategies should be applied to increase revenue and services
by reducing the percentage of prescriptions that are not served.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Josua Pranata, Karmila Kaban, Maya Sari Mutia, Ulina Karo Karo

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