Analysis Of Consumer Perceived Value To Quality Service Healthcare During The COVID-19 Pandemic At Tanjung Balai City Hospital
Background:Perception is a person's process of knowing several things through his five senses. Perception
does not appear to exist because it occurs outside of awareness, but perception depends on the complex
functions of the nervous system. Health service facilities, during the COVID-19 period, became something
terrible for the community, where people who were sick were afraid to come to health services because they
were worried about being diagnosed positively with COVID-19, whether health services during COVID-19
increased or decreased. Objective: to analyze the quality of health services on public perception at Tanjung
Balai General Hospital during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Method: This type of research is observational
analytic research. The research location was at the Tanjung Balai General Hospital which was carried out in
November 2022. Results: Most respondents were in the 45–54-year-old age category (32.2%). Based on
gender, the most were women as many as 208 people (77%). Based on work, the most were in the PNS
category, with 105 people (38.9%). Based on education at most S1 as many as 63 people (23.3%). Most
people's perceptions of the quality of Tanjung Balai General Hospital were in the good category with 144
people (53.3%) and those who said they were not good were 126 people (46.7%). There is a significant
relationship between people's perceptions of tangible quality (p=0.000), reliability (p=0.000), responsiveness
(p=0.000), assurance (p=0.000), and attention (p=0.000) at Tanjung Balai Hospital to health services during
the Covid-19 pandemic. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between public perception of quality
at Tanjung Balai General Hospital for health services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Charles Manurung, Yolanda Eliza Putri Lubis, Karmila Kaban

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