Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Acceptance Of Hospital Information System Using Utaut Method In Budi Kemuliaan Hospital Batam Year 2021
Reception, Information System, UTAUT Method.Abstract
The acceptance of the hospital information system using the UTAUT method at the Budi Kemuliaan Hospital
Batam in 2021 is still a complaint and the computer-based SIMRS is not running optimally. The acceptance of the
hospital information system using the UTAUT method is related to individual characteristics, performance
expectations, business expectations, social and facilities. This study aims to determine the effect of receiving
hospital information systems with the UTAUT method at Budi Kemuliaan Hospital Batam. This type of
quantitative research with correlational techniques. The population in this study were users of the SIMRS
application at Budi Kemuliaan Hospital Batam and a sample of 120 people. The collection of data with primary
and secondary data and the data were analyzed by Multiple Regression test. The results showed a positive and
significant influence between Hospital Information System Acceptance (individual characteristics, performance
expectations/performance expectations, business expectations/business expectations, social influences/social
influences, and facilitating conditions/facilitating conditions) on usage behavior/behavior. implementing SIMRS
with the UTAUT method at Budi Kemuliaan Hospital Batam and it is recommended that the implementation of
SIMRS then need to pay attention to the ease of users in using SIMRS and developers from SIMRS and the
hospital need to work together in developing to create a SIMRS with business processes and needs the one in the
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