Analysis Of Communications And Incentives On Nurse Performance In Inpatient Rooms In Royal Prima Marelan General Hospital
One of the factors that influence the success rate of a hospital is the performance of nurses.
Efforts to improve nurse performance include paying attention to nurse work stress. This
study aimed to determine the effect of communication and incentives on nurse performance
in the inpatient room of the Royal Prima Maryland General Hospital. The type of research
used is cross-sectional survey research with an explanatory research method approach. The
total population is 41 nurses; all nurses are used as respondents (complete sampling). Data
were analyzed using the Chi-square test, and logistic regression was used to obtain the OR
(Odds Ratio) value. The results showed a statistical relationship between communication
and performance (p = 0.012), and the OR value was 6.708, meaning that nurses with good
communication would increase their performance by 6.7 times. Providing incentives on
performance (p = 0.006) and the OR value is 6.667, meaning nurses with incentives will
improve performance by 6.6 times. Income on performance (p = 0.004) and the OR value is
8.762, meaning nurses with incentives will increase performance by 8.7 times. The hospital
should conduct periodic counseling and distribute questionnaires as evaluation material
and material for stress management for nurses every three months.
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