The Effect Of Reproductive Health Education On Increasing Pre-Conception Knowledge In Young Girls At Yaspih High School Tangerang Banten In 2023
Background: Reproductive and sexual health education is very necessary in
achieving the growth and development tasks that must be passed by a teenager.
The preconception period is the period before conception or before pregnancy
occurs and the period between conceptions which can begin within two years
before conception. Purpose of Writing: To determine the effect of reproductive
health education on increasing pre-conception knowledge for young women.
Research Methods: This type of research uses a quasy experimental design with
a one group pre-test post-test design, the sample in this study is 74 people, the
Wilcoxon statistical analysis test. Research results: there are differences in
knowledge before and after being given reproductive health education (p value
= 0.000), it can be concluded that the Effect of Reproductive Health Education
on Increasing Preconception Knowledge in Young Girls at SMA Yaspih
Tangerang Banten. Conclusions and Suggestions: It is hoped that the results of
this study can be used as a reference for female students to increase
reproductive health knowledge in future pre-conceptional health in women.
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