Stunting Prevention Intervention In Pregnant Women In 2023
Stunting, pregnant women and nutritious food.Abstract
Stunting is a disorder of growth and development of children due to
chronic malnutrition and repeated infections, which are characterized by
their length or height being below standard. Malnutrition-free children
are a commitment with the world, including Indonesia. The international
world's commitment, contained in the second point of the Sustainable
Development Goals, emphasizes the importance of "ending hunger,
achieving food security and improving nutrition, and promoting
sustainable agriculture". To achieve this goal, tackling the problem of
malnutrition, including malnutrition, needs to be improved. Toddlers with
malnutrition have short and long term impacts, in the form of growth and
development disorders, including impaired cognitive function, morbidity,
risk of degenerative diseases in the future and death. Stunting can be
prevented early on during pregnancy, one of the interventions is good
nutrition during pregnancy. Knowledge of nutrition during pregnancy is
important for pregnant women to prevent stunted children from being
born. Many pregnant women do not pay attention to nutritional intake
during pregnancy so that their child can be born with stunting.
Therefore, every pregnant woman must know about good nutritional
intake during pregnancy to prevent stunting.
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