Analyzed Perceptions Of The Poor Peoples On Health Promotion Program In Poverty Reduction Policy Program At Health Sector (Pkbk) Puskesmas Onohazumba District Onohazumba South Nias District In 2021
The Health Sector Poverty Reduction Program (PKBK) is a tangible manifestation of the
onohazumba district south nias government's concern for the poor by providing comprehensive health
service assistance, including the nutritional health promotion program. Research Objectives: To get
an overview of the perceptions of the poor towards the nutrition health promotion program. Research
Methods, This research instrument have data collection by in-depth interviews and observation of
promotional activities carried out by the puskesmas. Data analysis is done by content analysis.
Triangulation of sources to stakeholders, NGOs/journalists, health workers, and Public health
posyandu cadres. Results: There are different perceptions of the nutritional health promotion
program from various characteristics of the respondents. Economic factors are an obstacle for a
person to behave healthily and affect the utilization of health services. The lack of media, the limited
use of methods, the material presented is very short and not in-depth, the frequency and adequacy of
financing for nutritional health promotion programs affect the effectiveness of nutritional health
promotion programs. Conclusion:
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nirman Waruwu, Emi Girsang, Rapael Ginting, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting

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