Implementation Of Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) At Royal Prima Hospital
The health information system is part of the national health system (SKN), therefore the health system in
Indonesia and health information are needed by hospitals. This concept is needed for the development of a
hospital management information system (SIMRS), a puskesmas information system (SIP) and a clinical
information system (Handayani, 2020). The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the
application of hospital management information systems (SIMRS) at RSU Royal Prima. The method in this
research is qualitative. The population in this study amounted to 10 respondents. The results of the study show
that SIMR is very influential on patient care, HR can use the SIMRS application and there is management
support in theuse of SIMRS at Royal Prima Hospital Medan. Based on the results of research on the analysis of
the application of hospital management information systems (SIMRS) at Royal Prima Hospital, it can be
concluded that the quality of the system is still not good in the quality of the system in the field because the
internet network problem is not good, the quality of system information has been very helpful for service, the
quality of service is very good. , HR is different, new employees are the same as the old ones, if new employees
haven't, so new employees should want to learn with old employees, and old employees are proficient in using
SIMRS, management supports it because this is indeed a program from management, SIMRS Royal Prima
Medan is there The advantages are in patient care and the quality of information systems, all service data at
RSU Royal Prima Medan can be stored properly and nicely. It is hoped that the hospital will pay more attention
to and improve the quality of the SIMRS internet network at RSU Royal Prima and provide training to all
employees, especially for new employees on how to use SIMRS so that services at RSU Royal Prima Medan run
smoothly and well.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Desy Lailani Ferdianti, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, Ermi Girsang, Tan Suryono

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