Comparison Of Giving A Combination Of Red Ginger And Mint Leaves Booked With A Combination Of Lime And Honey On The Intensity Of Voting In Pregnant Women In Trimester I
Emesis gravidarum results in a decrease in appetite, this situation can cause changes in electrolyte balance with
potassium, calcium and sodium which result in changes in body metabolism. Therefore, in reducing nausea and
vomiting pregnant women should use complementary therapies that can be done easily at home. Pharmacological
function is antiemetic (anti-vomiting). Lime has flavonoids, the flavonoid content is known to neutralize acidic
digestive fluids, releasing toxins in the body. This study was conducted to determine the differences in the
effectiveness of giving a combination of boiled red ginger and mint leaves and a combination of lime and honey on
the intensity of nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women. This study used a quasi-experimental
research design with a pretest-posttest with control group design. Sampling by purposive sampling. The sample size
was 28 pregnant women in the first trimester at the Cikande Public Health Center, Serang Regency. The research
instrument is an observation sheet. Data analysis used Mann Whitney statistical test. The results of his research
using the Mann Whitney statistical test showed a p-value of 0.498, this means that there is no significant difference
in decreasing the intensity of nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women at the Cikande Health Center,
Serang Regency between those given boiled red ginger and mint leaves and a combination of lime. and honey for 4
days of treatment. It is hoped that health workers will provide education to pregnant women in traditional medicine
or local wisdom.
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