The Effectiveness Of Perineal Massage In Primigravida Pregnant Women On Perineal Rupture During Delivery At The Bilal Medika Clinic Serang City
Perineal massage is a perineal massage technique that is carried out during pregnancy
about 1-6 weeks before delivery. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of perineal
massage in primigravida pregnant women against perineal rupture during delivery.
Research Methods: quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) using 40 samples of pregnant
women in the third trimester. Collecting data using questionnaire sheets and respondent
contract sheets. Data analysis was carried out using the Chi Square test. Research Results:
From 40 samples of primiparous women who gave birth, more respondents in the
experimental group did not experience perineal rupture, namely 17 (85%). Meanwhile, the
control group respondents who experienced more tears were 16 (65%) and p-value = 0.000
(<0.05) with OR = 16.924. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between perineal
massage in primigravida pregnant women and perineal rupture during delivery at the Bilal
Medika clinic in 2022.
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